CARDS FOR OUR VETS ( was started in 2009. We wanted to bring a little sunshine and thanks to our veterans to show them they are not forgotten, but appreciated. We connected with area schools to create cards for our veterans residing in Coatesville VA Medical Center.
Thousands of beautifully artistic and loving cards later, we have decided that we wanted to step up our altruism efforts and start WISHES FOR OUR WARRIORS. Expanding past our card collections, we are asking for you to help us give to others in need. The homeless population has increased and we are hoping this holiday season you will help us provide some essential items people need to make it through the colder months.
From now until December 22, 2021, Wishes for our Warriors will be collecting gloves, hats, blankets, scarves and personal care products (toothbrushes, razors, feminine care, toothpaste-whatever you think will help our less fortunate).
Even items that you no longer use but are in good shape, please donate them. I am sure someone will be truly grateful! If there is something specific you think you would like to add to our collection for them, please feel free.
This time we will be visiting our veterans and homeless right before Christmas, and the card theme for this collection will be Warm Winter Wishes.
Please help us show our service people and others in need how much we appreciate them and assure them that they are never forgotten. Not to mention help them stay warm this winter.
Collection day will be December 22nd and there will be a donation box at the Upper Merion Township Building and Community Center. Or if it’s easier, please feel free to contact me either by email or Jeannie @ 484-688-6128, so we can organize a time that is mutually convenient. As always, our veterans love the cards and I know there are countless people that would appreciate any help they could receive this holiday season.
We appreciate your help in making this possible!
Happy Holidays,
Jeannie with Cards for Vets and Wishes for Our Warriors