Living with a Better Mindset
Finding Beauty Within and Through Altruism
An opening thought from the creators of Life of Pretty. Pretty is a dog. Okay, please don’t tell her we said that. She’s pretty much convinced herself that she is at least part human.
Pretty doesn’t judge. Pretty sees the world as it is. Now, don’t misunderstand us, she’s a dog, and part of a family that includes Pretty, her Yorkie brother Leo, then two human siblings (the Teen and the Tween), and the parents. Each of us has our own perspectives on life, our own judgments, and our own beliefs.
So, what can we learn from a dog? No, don’t drink out of the toilet. That’s just gross. Interestingly, there is a fair amount to learn. The fundamentals of being a dog revolve around a few significant elements. When people you care about come home, greet them and make them feel welcome. When people you don’t know come by, sniff them out (not literally), and treat them well. When you are out and about, it never hurts to make a new friend. And most of all, just accept people and situations around for what they are. When we spend more time caring for others instead of worrying about all the things that don’t matter as much, our personal worlds get better.
Jeannie has a BS in Psychology and is pursuing a Masters in Clinical Counseling. She has a unique ability to find the simple beauty, kindness, and altruism that we can all find value in pursuing. She is my influence and will share writing duties with me, Jon, Certified Life Coach (and proud IT nerd), and we desire to bring you something worth investing time in reading.