Basics for Surviving Family Get Togethers:

22 Nov

Plan on meeting with relatives this holiday season? Family gatherings are usually looked at as fun or enjoyable, however, many people find them overwhelming and not a good option to maintain their mental health.

Varying personalities, can trigger fights and some relatives can outright ruin the family celebration. This year, follow the included 10 tips for dealing with those less than positive family members during the holidays and make your gatherings more enjoyable.

1. Keep your attitude at bay. Worrying about an upcoming gathering can have an anxious effect on your mannerisms, before the get together even begins! Don’t let others behaviors or the actions you may be predicting stop you from having a good time.

Focus on things like your breathing and thinking about positive events that can reduce your anxiety, apprehension and make you feel better. Breathing techniques, like the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 can help keep those anxious feelings in check. Before you leave or while your traveling, play some meditative music will keep nervous feelings at bay. Before any family event, do something relaxing, such as practicing yoga, talking to a friend, journaling or playing your favorite music.

While you are getting ready or on your way, try focusing on the positive. Think of some fun times you have had with the people you are going to spend time with for the holidays. Do your best to focus on the positives you can think of for each family member.

Push your reservations away by seeing the positives of your relatives, even the difficult ones, without creating stress will allow you to react to most situations calmly rather than reacting to their behaviors.

Be sure you have realistic expectations for the others involved in the get together, especially those that have normally been difficult.

Family Dinner

Wouldn’t it be awesome if that difficult relative you always worry about seeing would compliment you instead of criticizing everything about you and your appearance, your date, the words you use?

You never know if that’s going to happen, and although I’d like to think positively, more than likely they will be the same ol person, which is why I provided a few ideas for you to equip yourself with in order to keep the peace.

Knowing that people set in their ways, more than likely are not going to change. Finding your own ways that help you stay calm and relaxed to keep that positive vibe for your holidays going will help everyone tremendously, especially you!

Deep breathing, stay calm, listen to music, and remember its won’t last forever and we never know what tomorrow will bring, so enjoy your time with your relatives and friends. 10. Take a deep breath — or five

Can’t physically leave a stressful situation? You can always focus on your breathing. Take five slow, deep breaths, focusing on breathing in and out.

Minimize your contact with difficult relatives, and spend more time interacting with people you like.

Accept that the only thing you can control is your reaction.

Keep in mind that you can only change yourself. You can’t stop people from bringing up controversial subjects or asking rude questions, but you can monitor and control your reaction.

Keep yourself occupied. If you do this it can be very difficult to be drawn into an argument when engrossed in an activity that requires concentration, physical activity or laughter.

Practice patience

Everyone does things that irritate other people, and we probably aren’t aware of it. Try to be tolerant of others’ quirks and irritating behaviors, and don’t take them personally. If nothing else, remember you only have to tolerate the irritation for a little while.

Practice Gratitude

This is huge, especially this time of year. Keep in mind the reason for the celebrating and be thankful for those you have. Many people do not have food, relatives to celebrate with, clothes and would love the chance to be in our shoes. Be thankful for your relatives and friends. Take a time-out and think about all you have to be grateful for: a delicious meal, a warm home, good health.

Anxiety can be diminished by focusing on the things we enjoy and value.

Bring a happy reminder.

Smiling at a favorite photo or a funny text message from a friend can help reduce stress. When things get too stressful, plan to sneak away, take a break and look at your happy reminder.


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